Thursday, September 3, 2009

How To Teach Baseball to Kids

All across the country there are adults that have no idea how to teach baseball skills coaching youth baseball teams. These adults think that because they played baseball as a kid and the are a fan and watch Major League baseball games, they will be good coaches for a children's baseball team.

Inevitably, the "coach" teaches the kids very little, the players do not develop well, and the "coach" thinks that his team performed poorly because his players were less athletically gifted than the players on the teams they competed against. This coach quickly gives up and the next year a new adult, with equally limited ability, steps in and continues the cycle. Eventually, the kids on the team grow up and have their own kids. Being a good parent they sign their kid up for Little League and volunteer to coach the team. Of course this coach believes he'll be a good coach because he played Little League himself and he's watched every Yankees game this decade. And the cycle continues.

What most coaches don't realize is that they are not really acting like coaches, they are acting like managers deciding on batting order, player positioning and pitching rotations. A coach is someone that teaches skills and helps players develop. A coach has to have a special set of skills. He must understand baseball and the way the game should be played. Even more importantly, he must be a good teacher and have the ability to give the kdis a good baseball education.

If you are becoming a coach you owe it to your players and yourself to learn the best way to teach baseball skills to your players. Your players will learn the game better, enjoy the game more and provide you with years of fun and excitement. You may even set a good example of what a youth baseball coach should be and help your players become better coaches in the future, effectively ending the cycle of bad coaches.

earch the internet, read books and watch videos. Learn how to be a better coach.